Woodcut Printmaking: Ages 7–12

with Leah Klister
Tuesday-Friday, July 16–19; 9am–12pm CT

Explore a new art medium in MCBA’s print studio! Experience relief printing while carving and printing your own design in this in-person workshop. Learn all of the steps, from copying your design to the printing block (a soft eraser-like block) to signing your name on your finished prints. Practice carving your block, printing with a baren (a smooth pad used to apply pressure when printing) by hand, and how to repeat the carving and printing process to achieve more depth and layers on your prints.

The instructor will demonstrate each step of the process and provide one-to-one instruction along the way. Students will print by hand using a baren to make their set of prints, but they will also see a demonstration of the Vandercook press and pull a print or two with assistance. At the end of the workshop, students will share about their projects with each other and any adult caregivers who arrive for pick-up ten minutes early.

This drop-off workshop is designed for ages 7–12.

All skill levels welcome

$294/participant (10% discount for MCBA members) + $40 materials fee
$147 for BIPOC/Financial scholarship participants (10% discount for MCBA members) + $40 materials fee
MCBA offers two scholarship types for workshops—Financial Hardship Scholarships and BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) Scholarships—to honor equity and increase access and artistic opportunities for those who have historically been underrepresented in the book arts. For individuals to whom these scholarships do not apply, register at the Youth rate and, if you are able, consider making a donation when registering to support MCBA’s efforts to make scholarships available.
*If the student (and/or adult caregiver purchasing registration) is eligible for a scholarship, choose the scholarship option at registration.

Registration for this workshop has closed. Add your name to the wait list and you’ll be contacted if another section of the workshop is scheduled.