Polymer Plates for Letterpress

with Laura Brown
Thursday, August 8; 6–9pm CT

Polymer plates allow printers to translate drawings, etchings, and photographs into letterpress prints. In this in-person letterpress workshop, learn how to mount, register, and print polymer plates on the Vandercook press. Instruction will focus on inking polymer plates, ideal paper options, and how to clean and store polymer plates. 

Participants who have polymer plates are encouraged to bring them, along with any preferred paper to make test prints during the workshop. The ideal plate size is 5 x 7 inches in order to print your plate on one side of the paper, then turn your sheet around and print your plate again on the other half of your paper (called a ‘work and turn’). Example plates and paper will also be available.

Please note that participants will not create their own plates during the workshop. Those interested in having plates made of their own design may reference a file preparation guide and order plates 1-2 weeks in advance for the best chance that plates arrive before the workshop.

Participation in Letterpress 1: Printing Basics or any other letterpress workshop is required before registering for this workshop.

Experience required
Certificate: 3 hours, Category B or D

$70/participant (10% discount for MCBA members) + $10 materials fee
$35 for BIPOC/Financial scholarship participants (10% discount for MCBA members) + $10 materials fee
MCBA offers two scholarship types for workshops—Financial Hardship Scholarships and BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) Scholarships—to honor equity and increase access and artistic opportunities for those who have historically been underrepresented in the book arts. For individuals to whom these scholarships do not apply, register at the Adult rate and, if you are able, consider making a donation when registering to support MCBA’s efforts to make scholarships available.

Please note: Registration closes 8/2 at midnight (CT).