Book Arts Certificate

Minnesota Center for Book Arts plays a leading role in supporting the next generation of book artists.

MCBA offers two Certificate programs to recognize dedicated individuals who complete a significant number of book arts workshops and demonstrate knowledge and experience across book arts disciplines.


The Core Certificate in Book Arts is designed to recognize individuals who build skills and knowledge in fundamental book arts processes, as well as an in-depth understanding in one or more areas or techniques. Enrollees must complete a uniform Core Curriculum, as well as a number of elective workshops within defined categories.


The Advanced Certificate in Book Arts is designed to recognize individuals who engage in advanced-level workshops, independent projects, and professional practices in one or more areas of book arts. Typically pursued after completing the Core Certificate; however, individuals may work towards both certificates simultaneously.

Benefits of Participating

MCBA Core and Advanced Certificates recognize proficiency in book arts practices and earn individuals the following benefits:

  • Individuals enrolled in the certificate program will receive a 20% discount on workshop tuition.* This discount remains in place throughout participation in the program as long as enrollees maintain active MCBA membership (which accounts for 10% of the discount). 

  • Opportunities to connect with other artists and makers in MCBA’s community through workshops and events

  • Core and Advanced Book Arts Certificate graduates are acknowledged in MCBA’s e-newsletter and receive letterpress printed certificates to honor their achievement.

  • Core Book Arts Certificate graduates continue to receive a 20% discount on tuition as long as they maintain active MCBA membership.

  • Advanced Book Arts Certificate graduates are invited to participate in MCBA’s Artist Collective at a temporarily reduced rate.

*Those registering for workshops with a scholarship are not eligible to receive the 20% discount on workshop tuition in addition to the scholarship.

Application Process

To enroll in the Core Certificate in Book Arts, individuals must have taken 25 hours of MCBA workshops (virtual and/or in person) and they must be active members of MCBA. Individuals who meet the above criteria may complete and submit a Certificate Enrollment form to MCBA’s Workshop Manager. Within 2–3 weeks, MCBA staff will verify enrollment and share next steps for workshop registration (using the 20% discount) and tracking participation on the Core Certificate Tracking form

Graduates of the Core Certificate in Book Arts are automatically enrolled in the Advanced Certificate in Book Arts.

Tracking Participation and Graduation

Individuals are expected to track their own progress toward their certificate using the Core Certificate Tracking form and/or the Advanced Certificate Tracking form. Credit hours and categories are listed with workshop descriptions for current workshops and both virtual and in-person workshops are eligible. Once an individual has completed the required workshop hours for a certificate, they may submit their tracking form to MCBA’s Workshop Manager

New enrollees can receive retroactive credit for workshops taken no more than five years prior to the date of their certificate application. For support in determining past workshop participation and other questions about the Book Arts Certificate program that are not addressed here, please contact MCBA’s Workshop Manager.

Graduates will be recognized for their achievement with a letterpress printed certificate after their tracking form has been reviewed by staff (please allow one month for this process). Graduates are acknowledged publicly each fall in an e-newsletter featuring certificate graduates and their work.


Certificate Enrollment form

Core Certificate Tracking form

Advanced Certificate Tracking form

If you have any trouble with the downloadable forms, or need hard copies mailed to you, please contact MCBA’s Workshop Manager.


MCBA Core Certificate in Book Arts

To complete this certificate, individuals must complete at least 140 hours of workshops in three categories: A (Introductory workshops and Core Curriculum), B (Intermediate-level workshops), and D (Electives).


MCBA Advanced Certificate in Book Arts

To complete the Advanced Certificate in Book Arts, individuals must complete the MCBA Core Certificate in Book Arts first and be prepared to conceptualize and execute independent projects that require proficiency in one or more areas of book arts.

To complete this certificate, individuals are asked complete at least 120 hours of workshops in two categories: C (Advanced-level workshops and guided projects) and D (Electives), in addition to attendance at three MCBA-hosted artist talks, panels, or exhibition openings where artists speak about their work (this includes both in-person and virtual events). Candidates of the Advanced Certificate must also display their book arts work publicly and submit documentation with the Tracking form once complete. A public display may look like a solo or group exhibition in a gallery, library, or coffee shop; or, it may look like a website, blog, or active social media account that features the candidate’s artwork. Documentation may include a postcard, images, email marketing, or links to websites of the public exhibit or book arts workshop.