Saturday, March 29; 9–11am CT
As the name suggests, there’s no particular way in which to unfold a puzzle book. Open left to right, right to left, north to south or vice-versa.
A self-taught book artist, Priya Pereira developed this unique structure through experimentation and play. Bound using the pamphlet-stitch, puzzle books feature segments that are pieced together to form a whole. Myriad text and image combinations are possible for the reader/viewer to encounter depending on which pages they choose to open. In this virtual workshop, learn the steps to create your very own puzzle book with tips and tricks from the artist. Instruction will include demonstration, examples, and discussion of potential themes and ideas for this structure.
Level: Beginner. All skill levels are welcome. Experience using a utility (or x-acto) knife is helpful, but not required.
Certificate: 2 hours, Category A or D
$45/participant (10% discount for MCBA members)
$23 for BIPOC/Financial scholarship (10% discount for MCBA members)
MCBA offers two scholarship types for workshops—Financial Hardship Scholarships and BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) Scholarships—to honor equity and increase access and artistic opportunities for those who have historically been underrepresented in the book arts. For individuals to whom these scholarships do not apply, register at the Adult rate and, if you are able, consider making a donation when registering to support MCBA’s efforts to make scholarships available.
What you'll need to participate
Tech requirements: For this participatory virtual workshop we recommend joining on a laptop or desktop computer with a camera and microphone, if possible. You will receive step-by-step instructions for downloading Zoom (it’s free!) and accessing the workshop online approximately 2 days before the workshop’s start date.
Materials: You are responsible for sourcing your own materials from the materials list. You are welcome to reach out to teaching artists with questions about materials in advance of the workshop (contact information is listed on the materials list).