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Filter by: In the Press | Press Releases
STAR TRIBUNE: New type to tell new stories
Jenna Ross of the Minneapolis Star Tribune draws a beautiful portrait of our new Hebrew, Spanish, and Arabic wood type and what it means to its practitioners. Hear from the people involved in its production and learn about our plans for future projects!
LITHUB: Where Intimacy Meets Tactility: Artists and Publishers on the Nature of the Photobook
MCBA Executive Director Elysa Voshell participates in an online conversation with a number of photographers, publishers and designers about the nature of the photobook.
MPLS DOWNTOWN: What’s New Downtown with Minnevangelist
Get up to speed on MCBA’s reopening activities with this brief article by a pair of East Coast journalists who started Minnevangelist, a site devoted to spreading the gospel of Minnesota’s greatness after embarking on an exhaustive 16-month, 40-state, 229-city search for a new hometown.
THE MINNESOTA DAILY: Minnesota Center for Book Arts releases new virtual exhibit with plans to re-open in the fall for in-person viewing
Learn how to view Solastalgia virtually and in person, what it means, and hear the inspiration behind individual artworks in the show—complete with quotes from participating artists, curator Torey Erin and Executive Director Elysa Voshell.
MINNPOST: Artscape
In this roundup of art news, meet Mary Hark and Sonja Peterson, winners of the 2021 McKnight Fellowships for Book Artists, both of whom work with paper. Learn a little history about the McKnight Artist Fellowships program, too.
MN DAILY: Annual lobbying day for the arts goes online
Hear perspectives from the MN arts community, including our very own Elysa Voshell, about the essential nature of arts organizations and the need for state art funding. Long-time MCBA Artist Collective member and teaching artist Regula Russelle also reflects on why she’s grown to enjoy online teaching.
MINNESOTA MONTHLY: New Minneapolis Window Installation Opens Dialogue About White Supremacy
Liv Martin speaks with Evanston, Illinois-based artist Ben Blount about his installation of 148 black-and-white prints at MCBA, each one displaying a different truth about how white supremacy operates in the world. With their straightforward language, these prints are rooted in the tradition of protest movements and printmaking. MCBA’s Director of Exhibitions & Artist Programs, Torey Erin, relays the positive reactions of onlookers.
MPLS.ST.PAUL MAGAZINE: Minnesota Center for Book Arts Confronts White Supremacy with Window Art Installation
Artist and letterpress printer Ben Blount describes the brainstorming process and intention behind his powerful print installation, Eyes Wide Shut. Read about why the use of the phrase “white supremacy” has increased in recent years, why Ben prefers its directness to “racism,” and how MCBA wants to increase accountability in the wake of George Floyd’s killing in Minneapolis and the white supremacist mob that attacked the Capitol.
MINNPOST: An eye-opening show at Minnesota Center for Book Arts
Coincidentally installed just five days after the white supremacist insurrection at the Capitol, Ben Blount’s print show, Eyes Wide Shut, is timelier than ever. Read about an earlier version of Ben’s exhibition mounted in his current hometown of Evanston, Illinois, and how plans for the current installation in MCBA’s street-facing windows expanded over time.
THE NEW YORK TIMES: Protests Swayed Voters, Either as Inspiration or as Intimidation
With a photograph by Rochester-based photographer Joshua Rashaad McFadden, the New York Times featured our VOTE print installation on Open Book’s front windows in the midst of the 2020 presidential election. Prints are by MCBA Studio Technician Molly Poganski.
ARTPUBLIKA MAGAZINE: The Stunning Book Art of Elysa Voshell: An Interview
Elysa Voshell, Executive Director here at MCBA, is also an outstanding book artist. Read about how she first got involved with book arts and why she finds the art form so compelling, as well as how MCBA makes artmaking accessible to the Twin Cities community and beyond.
STAR TRIBUNE: Book arts get a boost thanks to a new award
Jenna Ross sheds light on our inaugural McKnight Fellowships for Book Artists award by speaking with fellowship winners, Paula McCartney and Lisa Nebenzahl. Both artists use photography and paper to examine their worlds and unfold something new.
STAR TRIBUNE: It takes a village
Get an overview of the book project that helped this group of artists, led by Gaylord Schanilec, win the 20202 Minnesota Book Artist award for My Mighty Journey: A Waterfall’s Story, authored by John Coy.
THE FRIENDS OF THE ST. PAUL PUBLIC LIBRARY: Group of artists wins the 2020 Minnesota Book Artist Award
A group of 14 artists led by Gaylord Schanilec won the Minnesota Book Artist award for My Mighty Journey: A Waterfall’s Story, a 4.5-foot-wide handmade book that brings the history of St. Anthony Falls to life. Learn how Schanilec used unconventional materials to print illustrations for this poignant narrative authored by John Coy.