Brain Scans/Waiting Room Zine by Gretchen Treuting


Imagining how different emotions manifest in the brain.

7” x 5.25”

*Consignment item. Not eligible for 10% membership discount. All consignment purchases are final and non-refundable once shipped.

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Imagining how different emotions manifest in the brain.

7” x 5.25”

*Consignment item. Not eligible for 10% membership discount. All consignment purchases are final and non-refundable once shipped.

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Imagining how different emotions manifest in the brain.

7” x 5.25”

*Consignment item. Not eligible for 10% membership discount. All consignment purchases are final and non-refundable once shipped.

Gretchen Treuting (she/her) started her graphic design career when one still had to “spec” type for the typographer and hope it would fit. When desktop publishing changed her field, she enjoyed the convenience of fine-tuning type herself and creating precise vector illustrations. As design migrated completely to the computer, Gretchen missed the hands-on work from earlier times. Fortunately, she discovered book art and could incorporate her typography and illustrations into the delightful world of hand-made books. She could return to x-acto knives, thread, glue, inks, folding, and the feel of papers and book cloth. Her books have been exhibited in San Francisco, New York City, Denver, and Minneapolis. She lives in Costa Rica and has introduced artist books to local ex-pats through presentations and workshops.
Instagram: @GT23Graphics

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